Join me and our youth group at Grace Baptist Church on an incredible mission trip to Riverton, Utah from 6/27 - 7/6. We are filled with excitement and anticipation as we set out to serve and support Gospel Grace Church in its church revitalization. Our hearts are eager to spread the message of the Gospel through word and deed. With open arms and unwavering determination, we aim to make a lasting impact and share the transformative power of Jesus. I invite you to be a part of this amazing adventure by following this daily blog as we extend our hands in service and our hearts in faith to the people of Riverton. Together, our team will embark on this journey of serving and shining God's light in a state that desperately needs Good News.
Helpful Links:
Our team has created a Facebook group for friends and family of the team to receive updates about the trip, both leading up to the trip and for when we are on the ground in Utah. Please join the group, if you haven't already, and feel free to share the link with anyone else you think would like to join for updates. Here's the link to join:
To learn more about Plant Camp, go to
"In the heart of the desperately needy West and reflecting the state of the New North American Mission Field, Utah trails all other states of the country with gospel luminance. Though it has a population of 2.9 million people, only 2.2% attend services at any evangelical church." (
Utah ranked 1st place as the “Most Religious” state in America. More than 79% of the people in Utah claim to be adherents of a religious group.
Utah is the “Least Evangelical Christian” state in America. Only 2.2% of the people in Utah claim to be Evangelical Christians.
There are fewer Christians in Utah than in any country in the Western Hemisphere! The next closest would be Cuba at 6%.
Salt Lake City has been called “The Vainest City in America”, with the highest number of cosmetic surgeries per capita.
Utah reports the highest rates of clinical depression in the country and prescribes more anti-depressants than any other state.
Utah has one of the highest suicide rates in the nation.
Utah ranks highest in the percentage of internet pornography subscriptions in America.
Do you see the disparity? Statistically, Utah is the "most religious" state in the U.S., yet seems to be the most broken...
Plant4theGospel is a ministry based in Utah that focuses on spreading the Gospel and making disciples. They strive to equip believers to live out their faith and effectively share it with others, particularly in Utah's predominantly Mormon population. Through church planting, practical training, resources, and community-building initiatives, Plant4theGospel empowers believers to be ambassadors of Christ, engaging in meaningful conversations and making disciples. They also actively support global missions, partnering with missionaries and organizations to advance the Kingdom of God internationally. By providing tools for evangelism, fostering authentic relationships, and emphasizing discipleship, Plant4theGospel is dedicated to transforming lives and bringing the message of Jesus Christ to individuals and communities, both locally and globally.
Gospel Grace Church in Riverton, Utah is a vibrant and community-oriented church that is deeply rooted in the message of God's grace found in the Gospel. With a strong commitment to biblical teaching and discipleship, Gospel Grace Church seeks to empower individuals to live out their faith in practical ways. Through engaging worship, relevant preaching, and a welcoming atmosphere, the church strives to create a space where people can encounter God and grow in their relationship with Him. With a heart for the local community, Gospel Grace Church actively serves and supports the needs of Riverton and its surrounding areas, embodying the love and compassion of Jesus Christ.
Wow! Utah is absolutely beautiful! Our team arrived in Salt Lake City at 6 PM after an easy and chill day of travel. Praise the Lord everything went smoothly and we safely are settled in our Airbnb. Check out the photos to see our view from the front porch, it reminds me of Cedarville...
Anyways, I am stoked about this trip! We have already had so much fun together as a team. After landing, we were super hungry from twelve hours of travel, so we HAD to go to In-and-Out Burger. It was incredible! Following dinner, we went to our home for the next ten days and unpacked. Lastly, we made a team trip to Walmart for snacks and goodies.
It's been a blessing to spend time with the students, as well as the leaders. I already am learning a ton about Utah culture and the people we will be interacting with this week. Though today was more of a recap rather than a reflection, it's already easy to say that it'll be an exciting week. Stay tuned!
Day two is in the books! What an amazing day... As one of the leaders, one of the most fulfilling things to see is growth in the youth. The juniors and seniors I have the privilege of leading have grown in their curiosity for the Lord and His Word. Today we... read through the book of Ephesians, began our intro session at the Plant4TheGospel, toured the Church of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) Temple, attended Church in the Park, and hiked a short trail.
One of the best reflections from today is the growing burden for the gospel to be known. The LDS Temple is one of the most BEAUTIFUL architectural structures I've ever seen. But, the sad reality is, the LDS members believe in a different gospel than we do. They put out this picture of perfection and their striving to be perfect as a way to obtain salvation. How sad do they have it all wrong? Not only that, we ended the night looking over Salt Lake City where 200,000 people reside. Of those 200,000 people, only 2% claim to be Christian.
What does this all mean? It means that the mission field in Salt Lake City is needed. After touring the Temple, it was astounding to see the youth group naturally discuss the inconsistencies and fallacies of their faith. Their works-based righteousness, despite using the name "Jesus Christ" in their title, will not lead them into a deep, loving relationship with God. This relationship is based by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. Our team was reminded of the need for true hope to be spread - Jesus Christ, fully human and fully man, came to die for our sins to forgive us once and for all to make us right before a perfectly holy God, not for our own sake but for His glory. This leads to freedom, not bondage! There's a tremendous joy that believers hold onto when they know they are loved, forgiven, uniquely designed, and cared for by the One who has created all things from beginning to end.
Join me in praying for our team to feel this burden as we seek to spread this message of true love that is not superficial or unreliable. Pray for the state of Utah to have a revival that leads to many people coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Savior forever.
How would you react if someone came up to your door and asked for prayer requests? Today, our team stepped out in faith and walked around the Village to pray for the community. That's it. We knocked on doors and asked if we could pray for their needs. Well, God worked... like He always does. We prayed for one woman's father who recently was diagnosed with prostate cancer. There was a man who was in the middle of a job transition and trying to figure out his next steps. Lastly, we were able to pray for a woman's dad who needed prayer spiritually. This was just our group. Our team of twenty-seven lifted out our hands in love to pray for those in need. And, guess what? There were many needs to be prayed for!
The gospel can be offensive. It's offensive because of the emphasis on recognizing human sin, the exclusivity of salvation through Jesus Christ, the cross-centered atonement, the call for repentance, and the potential for persecution. The gospel challenges human pride, self-righteousness, and the idea of earning salvation. It confronts individuals with their need for a Savior and requires a change of heart and lifestyle. While the message may be offensive to some, it ultimately offers hope, forgiveness, and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ. This is why we walked around 90-degree heat to extend the love of Christ to hurting people.
Oh, on a side note, you get a small glimpse of what we have the opportunity to look at each morning as we wake up and read the Bible. God is good and His creation absolutely blows me away each day.
"What can you tell me about God that I don't already know?"
Today was an exhausting yet incredible day! It was filled with more learning sessions and placing ourselves in uncomfortable places. Two reflections stick out to me from today's events:
We toured the convention center that displays the history of Mormonism. As we were led around the convention center by two younger, it was clear how deceived the LDS church is. Though their temples and buildings are amazing pieces of architecture with millions of dollars poured into them, they people into a false belief.
So far, the most impactful part of my trip happened this past afternoon. We set up tables around the park to engage with people and pass along goodies and water. The table I was stationed at with some others in our group was labeled the "I'm thankful for _______" table. As time went on, we were not receiving high foot traffic. With the hope to extend the love of Christ to others, the Lord led me to the nearest basketball court to shoot with a guy shooting all by himself. This guy's name is, "Brigham". Long story short, Brigham just got out of jail, lives in his car, is divorced, can't have kids, is a drug addict, and has no real ties to his family... God allowed me to have a very open and honest conversation with him about all of the struggles he has and is going through. As we shot around for an hour, we eventually came to a halt where we stood and simply talked. We dropped the basketball and dove in. He, also, began to tell me that, each day, he was fighting to find purpose, worth, and significance and not "end it all". This absolutely broke my heart. After sharing everything, he asked me, "What can you tell me about God that I don't already know?". The Lord, in His grace, provided the safe space to share the gospel: God's love is unconditional and surpasses human understanding. It remains unwavering despite our mistakes and shortcomings. Through Jesus, God demonstrates the depth of His love, offering forgiveness, redemption, and a path to restoration for all who seek Him. With tears coming down my face, I shared that "God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you". He offers us a purpose and a plan. I badly wanted Brigham to know that there is a Father who loves him without condition or works and He can bring hope to anyone.
So, pray for the truth of the gospel to impede places like the LDS church. Also, pray for men and women like Brigham. Though his story is filled with extreme brokenness and pain, he is not out of reach from the redeeming hand of God, who is mighty to save and heal the broken and contrite-hearted. There are many others just like Brigham who face the pressures of the world each day and try to figure out their significance. There's no greater purpose in this world than to live for the One who has paid the price of sin on the cross and offers eternal salvation. That is hope that is good news for all!
Our goal today was spreading the word about SOCCER CAMP! We drove to Logan, Utah to serve another church plant affiliated with Plant4TheGospel. Though today's work was not as "fun", it gave our team the reality of what it looks like to do ministry. Some work is more dirty work that can be used to accomplish the greater purpose of bringing the message of hope. The door hangers shared about an opportunity for kids to join a free soccer camp! Though I'm not a huge fan of soccer... I am a HUGE fan of sharing the gospel through sports. We walked around in groups dropping off door hangers to over 4,000 homes. While we may never see the fruit from this activity, we trust that God, in His sovereignty, will bring kids to this camp from all around Logan, Utah to play soccer and hear the gospel. Praise God for sports! All things can be used for His glory and His purpose.
Oh, and, not so ministry-related - a group of guys (Jack, Jerry, Dylan, and Isaac) achieved a record-breaking number on the app called, "Heads-Up", with 30 correct guesses in 60 seconds. I had the opportunity to coach them to victory. A video encapsulating the experience is in production and will be released for the world to see soon.
*Note the picture below... I'm exposing my good friend, Jack Czerniak, who was trying his best to catch some z's during our two-hour ride to our destination. You have to give him props for not letting a missing headrest stop him from sleeping. :)
"So when He had washed their feet, taken His garments, and sat down again, He said to them, 'Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord, and you say well, for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another's feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.'" (John 13:12-17)
Jesus, the perfect example of love and compassion, modeled the heart of service by humbly washing his disciples' feet in John 13:12-17. He taught them that true greatness lies in selflessly serving others, emphasizing the transformative power of humility and sacrifice. This passage urges us to prioritize the needs of others, extending kindness and concern to those around us.
God's creation was on full display today as we explored two of the most awesome locations in Utah. First, our team hiked two miles into the Big Cottonwood Canyon, then, we spent a few hours in Storm Mountain later at night. Both of these adventures allowed us to see with our eyes how incredible our Creator God is. The mountains are a very easy way to remember how small we are and how big our God is.
Not only did we hike, but we also attended church at Gospel Hope Church. This was a special time to worship with the community we are serving this week. The gospel "hits differently" in a place like Salt Lake City due to the deep need for it. Soon after we finished church in the building, we sped over to Storm Mountain to praise God in nature. The night was filled with God-honoring testimonies, worship songs, and the proclamation of His Word. We were reminded of the message above: Jesus serves. For the next two days, we will be serving the community of Salt Lake City by passing out water bottles, cleaning, and picking up trash. This is the heart of the gospel.
God's creation in nature beautifully reflects His divine handiwork, serving as a testimony to His existence and character. As the psalmist, David, exclaimed in Psalm 19:1-2, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge." The majestic mountains surrounding Utah and the delicate intricacy of each flower, rock, and tree all testify to the infinite power of the Elohim. Nature, in its awe-inspiring beauty, points each person towards its Creator, inviting hearts to seek, find, and know Him.
7/3 - DAY 7: 7,200 WATER BOTTLES
Water for free! Today, our team gave away 7,000+ water bottles to the community of Riverton, Utah. It was a blast too! Riverton is known for their "Riverton Town Days" to celebrate July 4th. Kid you not, the parade was around two and a half hours long... absolutely insane! Over 20,000 people usually attend this all-weekend event. Also, to be completely transparent, I was DEAD going into the event. My battery was running low and I wasn't feeling. Praise the Lord that once I started giving out water bottles, I was quickly enjoying every second of it! It, truly, was a reminder of why we are called to serve. Yes, it is a command from God. But, also, it is a blessing to fill the needs of others without a cost. This is a small glimpse of the generous God we serve who provides every need for me without having to do anything to earn it. Praise Him.
Earlier on in the day, we spent time at "Potato Hill", arguably the best overlook in Utah we have been to. And, no, I have no idea why it is called "Potato Hill"... Anyways, our team spent time praying for the city of Salt Lake and learning about God's Word. In Ephesians 4:25-32, Paul provides us with practical guidance on how to live according to God's will. It encourages us to be honest and truthful in our words, avoiding deceit that can harm relationships. When conflicts arise, we are urged to resolve them peacefully, seeking reconciliation instead of holding onto anger. Lastly, we are called to use our words to build up and encourage others, showing kindness, compassion, and forgiveness as God has shown to us.
How fun it is to serve! From 6 AM until 11 PM, our team served tirelessly. We had the pleasure to assist with the 5K and 10K race, picking up trash, providing snow cones, and much more. It was a blast to be an integral part of this day. The community of Riverton was encouraging and grateful for the ways we could step in and make the event run smoothly. Our service is for Christ and not for man's praise, but it is sweet to receive many compliments and appreciation from those who attended the all-day celebration of the 4th. Praise God for allowing us to step in and serve as a way to be a reflection of Christ.
Pray for Lori! One special moment I had from the day was when I was in line for the restroom... go figure! A woman named, Lori, was standing behind me during our 30-minute long wait. Lori asked about the church, showed appreciation, and continued to share her story with me. I never would've guessed that a gospel conversation would take place during this time. But, in God's sovereignty, He allowed us to have an amazing conversation about Jesus and His death on the cross for our salvation. His death was a removal of all sins where we did not have to work for our salvation, but it was a free gift for all who would receive it. Praise God for this time with Lori. It was hard to hear the hurt she has gone through in her personal life, as well as with the LDS church, but I am hopeful that the Good News provided encouragement that she is LOVED and KNOWN by a faithful and unconditionally loving Father. This Good News is offered to all who seek Him and lay down their lives for Him. He wants a relationship with Lori, with me, and with YOU!
Lastly, thank you Lord for July 4th! While celebrating the birth of a nation and the values it represents, as Christians, we should remember that true freedom and independence are ultimately found in Christ. The gospel teaches us that through faith in Jesus, we are set free from the bondage of sin and death. As we were able to commemorate July 4th, we can reflect on the blessings of living in a land where religious freedom is valued, recognizing that our ultimate citizenship is in the kingdom of God. We can use this day to not only celebrate our national heritage but also to share the good news of Jesus Christ, who came to set the captives free and bring true liberty to all who believe in Him.
7/5 - DAY 9: MOAB
W O W! God's creation is breathtaking! Today, we traveled to Moab to check out Canyonlands National Park and Arches National Park. It's hard to know what to type for this section because it was SO incredible...
Psalm 121:1-2 proclaims, "I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth." These verses reveal God's goodness in creation. As we lift our eyes to the canyons and arches of Utah, we are reminded of the grandeur and beauty of God's handiwork. The psalmist, in Psalm 121, acknowledges that our help, our provision, and our source of strength come not from creation themselves, but from the LORD, the Creator of heaven and earth. This passage teaches us that God is evident in His act of creation, where He fashioned the mountains, formed the earth, and crafted every intricate detail of the natural world. It encourages us to recognize that the One who created the mountains is the same One who lovingly cares for us and supplies for our needs. After seeing mountains, canyons, and arches over the past week, we can confidently acknowledge the LORD as our help, we can fully appreciate and marvel at the goodness of God in His wondrous creation.
After a weekend of reflection, I am not sure how to sum up our 10 days in Utah. The short version is: God was and is at work! It is obvious to see the Lord's hand in Salt Lake City, as well as the surrounding communities. Though brokenness is apparent, God is using gospel-centered churches to make an impact in the community all around the state of Utah. One of the sweetest parts of the trip was getting a small touch of every aspect of ministry - teaching, discipleship, evangelism, outreach, service, and more! Not only was this beneficial for the juniors and seniors, but also for the leaders. I grew tremendously from the several days we had out west.
One of the most special characteristics of ministry is seeing lives transformed. During this trip, I had the opportunity to...
see the youth group engage in gospel conversations without the guidance of a leader.
watch the stirring of the Holy Spirit in these young men and women for the Lord's purposes and plan.
witness to the lost and broken and offer hope that only comes in Jesus.
serve others and provide basic needs.
grow in my knowledge of Scripture, as well as my understanding of different religions.
develop a heart for church planting and recognize the importance of sharing the gospel.
It is easy to walk away from a trip and not apply these reflections to everyday life. It is my goal and my desire to continue pursuing these opportunities in Ohio while asking and relying on the Lord for His help along the way.
As I was listening to worship music and reflecting on the trip, I came across Elevation Worship's song, "O Come to the Altar". YES - Jesus invites us to come to the altar where we are all in desperate need of Good News.
The Father's arms are open wide. Forgiveness was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Leave behind your regrets and mistakes. Come today, there's no reason to wait. Jesus is calling. Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy. From the ashes, a new life is born. Jesus is calling. ("O Come to the Altar" by Elevation Worship)
It is a joy to come to the altar and experience the presence of the Lord. The Father wants each person to come into His presence. His arms are open wide. Leave behind your past mistakes, shame, guilt, and pain. Jesus is calling your name. There's no reason to wait. The same gospel that is needed in Utah is also needed in your life! Call upon the name of Jesus today!